From hand clapping over the blues, to hands-on jazz piano, to dancing to swing,“What to Listen for in Jazz” offers children and their parents a special opportunity to learn more about jazz while listening to great music. Pianist/educator Don Militellodiscusses the elements of jazz: rhythm, harmony, melody and improvisation in this hour long program of music, discussion and demonstration.
See Video Clip!
Hands-on Improvisation
Group Melody Creation
Don Militello has brought musicians and audiences closer together by unlocking the mysteries of jazz improvisation. Don says, “a little education can go a long way in enhancing the experience of listening to jazz.” |
"I’ve always loved jazz and now I can share the music with my child at a live performance! " - Don Hume, Parent
“I like to start my program with a simple meditation exercize. Several children are selected from the audience to lay motionless on a mat near the piano The children are instructed to remain in relaxed state for a complete musical piece. To know what to listen for in jazz, you have got to be able to focus your attention on one thing and one thing only...the beauty of the music.”
“After my first few shows, it was brought to my attention that parents were just as excited about the music as were their children. Today’s hard working parents just don’t have the time to go out to a club to see live music. And when they have a little free time they want to go places where they can take their children.”
"What to Listen for in Jazz" provides just the right enviornment for both children and parents to discover this great music."
"Don's program made me think twice about the way I teach jazz!" - Rory Dineen, Musician amd parent.

Performing Artists International Ltd.